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I got this from a seminary press that I use, and thought it was worth passing along. It’s pertinent well beyond the seminary press world.

Our Thoughts on Buying from Amazon & Others

We understand the incredible convenience of ordering our books from Amazon (and other sources); however, we wanted to share a reminder of why it matters when you order directly from us.

  • Amazon’s fees are anywhere from 30%–50% of the purchase price.
  • Amazon often dictates the price charged—surprise! We do not have control of their pricing of our books.
  • Buying books directly from SVS Press greatly adds to the success of our overall mission “to partner with reputable authors and translators worldwide in order produce and distribute rich theological texts that preserve the Orthodox Faith, tradition, and history.” 100% of our net book sales support St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and its mission to train Orthodox priests and future church leaders.

Next time you think, “Oh, I will just buy it from Amazon,” take a moment to think about what impact you can have. In the end, we always strive to get our books into as many hands as possible, and we are happy they are currently available on Amazon, but small actions do make a big difference.