Read: Alan Noble, Disruptive Witness. A lot of it is aimed at a more evangelical audience to whom, for example, the idea that corporate worship should be reverent might be a novel idea. But it was well worth reading. I especially valued his look at the way our distraction-based culture encourages people to accept the Gospel in a sense, but as part of what he calls the “identity formation” project that typifies modern experience.
Six book requests in at the library. If they all arrive at once I’ll be in a desperate situation.
I subscribe to a few Substack newsletters. It seems that I have people “following” me on Substack. I have no idea what that means, except that it’s probably bad.
An Orthodox priest reflects on the “flood” (ha!) of young men into the Church, something that’s been discussed a bit here. Thoughtful.
Conversation. Athens, about 1980.
People everywhere are absorbed in conversation. Seated under trees, under striped canopies in the squares, they bend together over food and drink, their voices darkly raveled in Oriental laments that flow from radios in basements and back kitchens. Conversation is life, language is the deepest being. We see the patterns repeat, the gestures drive the words. It is the sound and picture of humans communicating. It is talk as a definition of itself.